ARPA Information

Clayton County was allocated $66 million in American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funds. In anticipation of receiving the ARPA funds, the Board of Commissioners requested that internal and external stakeholders submit funding proposals for programs and projects that would impact Clayton County. The Board prioritizes the six allowable expenses based on the guidance of the Federal Rule, in which each project was reviewed and selected. The Board of Commissioners solicited feedback and input from community leaders and residents through a survey.  Based on the results of the survey and the Board’s priority, nineteen projects were approved for funding to internal and external stakeholders in the county.

As with the CARES Act funds, ARPA allocations and expenditures will be fully reported and displayed on the County’s transparency dashboard.

Project and program proposals that were approved for American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) fund addresses a need that has been exaggerated by the COVID-19 pandemic and meets the usage and spending timeframe requirements of the ARPA legislation.

Below are the results from the Community Survey.  A Project Recommendation Presentation will be held during the Commissioners’ Board Meeting on August 3, 2021. 

Click Here to Watch the Meeting

American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Public Information and Comment Session


Department of Treasury Guidance


ARPA Legislation

Georgia Legislation

Georgia Cares